Contortionists For Events-Circus Contortionist
扭曲 是一种表演艺术,表演者称其为 柔术家 展示他们极端身体灵活性的技能。扭曲行为经常伴随 杂技, 马戏团 表演、街头表演者和其他现场表演艺术。扭曲行为通常在现场观众面前进行。一个表演将展示一个或多个艺术家表演一组精心设计的动作或姿势,通常伴随着音乐,这需要极端 灵活性。执行此类行为所需的身体灵活性大大超过了一般人群。吸引观众的是看似非人的灵活性的戏剧性壮举。
一名柔术演员可以单独表演,也可以有一个或两名助手,或者最多四名柔术运动员可以作为一个团体一起表演。过去,柔术运动员几乎只与马戏团和集市有关,但最近他们也找到了在 夜总会, 游乐园,杂志广告,贸易展览, 电视 综艺节目,在 音乐视频,以及作为热身表演或音乐会的背景。
雇用柔术师时,有多种选择可以让您下次聚会的客人感到震惊和惊讶, 节日、马戏团、特别活动或筹款活动。 如果您正在寻找额外的特殊娱乐活动来为您的活动带来优势,请聘请一名柔术师!空中艺术惊人 柔术师会向后弯腰,为您和您的客人上演一场精彩的表演。凭借其超人的灵活性和力量,它们可以将自己扭曲成各种令人惊叹的形状,让人群惊叹不已,确保您的场合一定会脱颖而出。
Hire Contortionists for Your Event. The Best Professional Contortion Acts
To hire a contortionist visit aerial, top event contortionists, flexible performers, gymnast performers and contortionist shows for a adverticing, Festival, Circus, corporate event, private party or fundraiser.
Our contortion acts our choreographed to showcase our circus performers extreme flexibility and combine movements, dance and poses.
female contortion acrobatic act is an ideal novelty act for corporate events, parties, hotels and nightclubs
A contortionist may perform alone, may have one or two assistants, or up to four contortionists
Contortionists s are a unique and stunning entertainment concept for any corporate events
Elegant and flexible contortionists will amaze your guests. Ideal entertainment for weddings, corporate events and private functions
Witness unbelievable acts of physical flexibility by hiring a contortionist for your next party or event. your guests won't blink until the show is over!
If you are looking for contortionists then look no further, we have a huge selection of contortionists available to hire for all type of events
Hire Contortionists for Your provides The Best Professional Contortion Acts
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Contortion is a beautiful art form suitable for a variety of events
纽约、迈阿密、拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶 / 电话。 917-755-7744
纽约、迈阿密、拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶 / 电话。 917-755-7744