Underholdning og Cirque handler til firmabegivenheder, gallabegivenheder, særlige begivenheder, bryllupper, messer og Udstillinger
Hvad vi gør
Aerial Artistry topbureau med speciale i underholdning til begivenheder i USA, vores team af professionelle talent samt etablerede shows og kunstnere i verdensklasse, alle klar til at ansætte og optræde ved dit arrangement Vi tilbyder første moderne musikere og WOW FAKTOR UNDERHOLDNINGSIDER til begivenhedsplanlæggere i det sydlige Florida og New York.
Vi er specialister i champagneservere fra luften, cirkusartister, gåborde, led- og glødekunstnere, stylter, luftakrobater, berømthedsimitatorer, firmashows, brandkunstnere, burleskekunstnere, salgsfremmende modeller, levende statuer, modebarmen, elektriske violinister, showgirls, speed malere, dansere, tryllekunstnere, levende rød løber, moderne musikere, interaktiv kunst og alle andre originale kunstnere og kunstnere af høj kvalitet. De bedste koreografer og producere.
Hvem vi er
Full-service møde og produktionsstyringsbureau for begivenhedsunderholdning i New York, Miami, Los Angeles og Las Vegas. Aerial Artistry et af de bedste underholdningsbureauvirksomheder i NYC. Succesfulde arrangementer starter med en fantasifuld idé, og vi foreslår gerne kreative temaer og forestillingsmuligheder passer til dine behov.
Siden 2004 har Aerial Artistry hjulpet vores kunder med at udvikle uforglemmelige oplevelser på tværs af øst- og vestkysten. Vores team bringer et væld af viden og erfaring, der er uovertruffen i underholdningsindustrien. Holdets mangfoldige viden omfatter erfaring i luftakrobatik, originale apparater, kreativt kostumedesign, innovative forestillinger. Vi har en dokumenteret track record for innovation og kreativitet, samtidig med at vi lancerer arrangementer til tiden og budgettet.
Mød vores team
Tatyana Petruk Founder & Developer
Tatyana Petruk is our founder, she is Master of Sport International Class and a World Champion Acrobat. Honored Master of Sport International Class is the highest rank given to an athlete. It’s awarded to World Champions who have made valuable contributions to their sport. Tatyana was a champion of USSR , European Champion and World Team member Sport Acrobat. With over 10 years of experience performing all over the world. Ever since launching her own entertainment company, she has successfully produced and provided entertainers for very exclusive and high end events worldwide.
Andrew Leach Co Founder & Creative Director
Andrew Leach has had a passion for the arts since a young age. His early education was filled with visual arts classes, competitions and explorations. Also excelling in math, Andrew graduated early from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Finance. Quickly recruited by a prominent South Florida furniture chain for sales management, Andrew aggressively climbed the corporate ladder with his business savvy and personable personality. After a chance encounter with aerial fabric, he left his respected career behind to join the cirque world! After years of performing through out the US and Europe, Andrew now joins the Aerial Artistry Agency team utilizing his unique mix of business know how and performer ability to further enhance the experience our client and performers already know and love.
Nastya Models Coordinator
Nastya had been in the modeling and event industry for 7 years representing companies, building client relations, and developing her reputation as a Model, Spokesmodel and Promotional Model. We can staff your promotional or corporate event with attractive and brand-knowledgeable models, provide driven and sales-oriented models for tradeshows and product launches, and book talented fashion models for photoshoots and fashion shows
Athena Event Designer
Full service event design company providing exquisite style for their clients' specializing in both corporate and social events. We customize each event to be as individual and unique as the clients themselves, and believe total event conceptualization is crucial to overall success.